The Story of Your Life…
Your Entire Existence Has Guided You To This Very Moment
Handbook of the Navigator is about you. It is the manual for how your soul operates within this reality and what is truly behind that driving force that compels you to question your existence. In the backdrop of your awareness, a silent force tugs at you to seek out and find the truth of who you are, by any means possible.
There is a reason you have been looking for better answers and direct, first-hand experiences to validate those answers. There is a purpose behind why some people have this intense inclination to pursue spiritual awakening while others have no interest in even inquiring into the most basic concepts of self-realization.
Handbook of The Navigator is a cutting-edge exploration into the nature of spiritual development complete with reflections, techniques, and meditations designed to give you a bulletproof foundation for extraordinary experiences.
The simple fact is that not all meditations are created equal!
We all know the basic benefits of meditation:

At this point, we all pretty much know the basic benefits of meditation: it helps you to relax, live a happier, more peaceful, more fulfilling life, slows the aging process, is now proven by neuroscience to alleviate depressions and anxiety… the list goes on.
Believe it or not, these are still all first-level benefits. If you’ve found this book, chances are you’ve already known or suspected there was something much deeper and much more profound to be gained from meditation, yet everything you’ve tried to reach the higher levels has failed you.
On the other hand, maybe relaxation is all that you’re looking for and if it is then that’s perfectly fine, but if that’s the extent of your interest…
Do not get this book.
The secrets inside these pages are for the serious seeker, it is for those who yearn to explore the greater, more profound possibilities and potentialities of their consciousness. It is not for the passive onlooker.
Handbook of the Navigator offers tested and proven methods
to activate ecstatic spiritual experiences, even if you’ve
never meditated before.
Any meditation you do is going to be beneficial, but there are those of us who answer to a higher calling. We instinctively seek out experiences of awakening. More than anything else, we want to touch the face of God. We are driven to move our minds beyond the confines of this so-called reality so that we can see what’s on the other side. Does that sound like you? If your answer is yes, then you are one of the precious few this book was written for. You are a Navigator.
Your how-to manual for attaining spiritual completion and fulfilling your greater purpose in the age of accelerating change
There are experiences in life that mere words cannot express. The only way you truly understand them is when you experience them for yourself. One experience is equal to the knowledge of a thousand books. This particular book gives you the keys to have those experiences and we believe that anybody, without exception, can and will have major breakthroughs if they implement these easy-to-follow, guided methods and reflections.
At this point, we all pretty much know the basic benefits of meditation: it helps you to relax, live a happier, more peaceful, more fulfilling life, slows the aging process, is now proven by neuroscience to alleviate depressions and anxiety… the list goes on.
Believe it or not, these are still all first-level benefits. If you’ve found this book, chances are you’ve already known or suspected there was something much deeper and much more profound to be gained from meditation, yet everything you’ve tried to reach the higher levels has failed you.
On the other hand, maybe relaxation is all that you’re looking for and if it is then that’s perfectly fine, but if that’s the extent of your interest…
Do not get this book.
The secrets inside these pages are for the serious seeker, it is for those who yearn to explore the greater, more profound possibilities and potentialities of their consciousness. It is not for the passive onlooker.
Handbook of the Navigator offers tested and proven methods
to activate ecstatic spiritual experiences, even if you’ve
never meditated before.
Any meditation you do is going to be beneficial, but there are those of us who answer to a higher calling. We instinctively seek out experiences of awakening. More than anything else, we want to touch the face of God. We are driven to move our minds beyond the confines of this so-called reality so that we can see what’s on the other side. Does that sound like you? If your answer is yes, then you are one of the precious few this book was written for. You are a Navigator.
Your how-to manual for attaining spiritual completion and fulfilling your greater purpose in the age of accelerating change
There are experiences in life that mere words cannot express. The only way you truly understand them is when you experience them for yourself. One experience is equal to the knowledge of a thousand books. This particular book gives you the keys to have those experiences and we believe that anybody, without exception, can and will have major breakthroughs if they implement these easy-to-follow, guided methods and reflections.
There is a mountain of obstacles that stand in your way
of spiritual evolution in today’s busy world.
Luckily, you now have the tools at your fingertips to overcome all of them.
You don’t have to spend decades in a cave in the Himalayas in order to attain those higher levels of spiritual freedom. That was the old way, designed for a different time. Like everything in nature, change and adaptation are a built-in necessity of the great game. Today we have a different strategy: one foot in your spiritual practices and one foot planted firmly in the world. Allow me to elaborate…
Step 1. Learn techniques to apply in your everyday environment to strengthen and hone your organic sixth sense.
Step 2. Turn the sixth sense inward during your meditations. (invert your consciousness)
The sixth sense is the missing link. That is the secret. Meditation without a finely tuned sixth sense will not likely garner any real spiritual experiences no matter how many hours, days, weeks, or years that you’re doing it for. That’s good news because the sixth sense is no longer some woo-woo mystery. It is a natural sense of the human brain based on biomagnetism and developing it is not as difficult as you might think.
Like any other muscle in your body, the sixth sense can be exercised and strengthened. It is not something you’re either born with or not. It is not solely for the “gifted”. It is a skill you either learn to develop or you don’t. If nobody ever taught you this then how would you ever know? You wouldn’t. The vast majority of meditators don’t have the first clue and for many, It still has never even dawned on them!
Think about it, generations upon generations, hundreds of thousands of monks, yet so few true spiritual masters… Ever wonder why? What set Buddha and Milarepa apart from the countless monks who have dedicated their life to disciplining their minds and following in their footsteps? What is the ingredient they are missing? Inverting the sixth sense. That’s what they mean when they say the answers you seek are within, the kingdom of heaven is within, all the knowledge in the universe is inside of you.
So how are you supposed to access it, just by closing your eyes and sitting in silence? No, wrong answer. You need to learn to engage your sixth sense and then you need to use it to probe deep within your mind. If there is any doubt that you can easily learn and do this, take it from us, you absolutely can. All it takes is practice and some know-how.
Instead of relying on ancient texts and unverified information from new-age bubble gum spiritual circles, Author and teacher, Eric Pepin takes a radical approach to higher consciousness in this newly released audiobook adaptation.
“This book is designed to create a vibration within you that I call multidimensional consciousness. You can achieve it when you have a series of thought patterns or realizations. I first discovered this process when I was very young and it has had a powerful effect on my life. I am confident that it will positively affect your life as well.”
Handbook of the Navigator
What’s inside?
Chapter 1: Navigator
The “Navigator” or awakening instinct is the driving factor behind the search for deeper meaning, understanding, and spiritual awakening.
Without your conscious awareness, this internal compass has been silently guiding you all along. It is precicely what has led you here. The Navigator is an aspect of your dimensional consciousness or what some refer to as your higher consciousness. You have always sensed that there was more to the mystery of life. You’ve always known there was more to you. It is now time to embark on the greatest adventure of your life.
Chapter 2: The Way of the White Cell
A white cell is like any other blood cell until it becomes aware of something greater, an instinct that tells it that its role in the body is somehow different. A white cell becomes aware of a greater purpose and understands that its role is to serve and protect the whole.
By following along with the story of the enlightenment instinct, your connection to this inner navigator will be ignited.
Chapter 3: The World is Alive
The planet is a conscious, sentient being with a will and intelligence all to itself. The human race serves as its central nervous system. By learning about the living connection between all life and gaining a greater understanding of “collective consciousness”, it will loosen internal barriers that hold you back from experiencing new paradigms of thought.
Chapter 4: The Creation of God
The ultimate question. Not just who are we and how did we get here, but what about the Origin of God itself? How did existence spring out of non-existence? There is a profound truth that explains everything and yes it can be realized. You have never heard an explanation of anything even close to the scope of this, until now. Regardless of whether you prefer the term “God” or “The Force” does not matter. These words mean different things to different people but no matter what you call IT, the true nature of God is elusive to structured thinking. In this chapter, Eric brilliantly answers the question of all questions. Are you ready to look at everything with completely new eyes?
Learn the secret for thinking and experiencing beyond the limits of time, space, dimension, and “reality”
…and create an internal roadmap for your journey toward greater enlightenment.
Chapter 5: Unveiling the Universal Purpose
Discover the deeper meaning and purpose behind all life and learn how to “tune into” the universal force behind all progression and evolution so that you can live out your greatest expression of life and consciousness exploration!
Chapter 6: The Reaction of Creation
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Learn about the counter-reaction to creation that has echoed through space-time and dimension so that you can understand and prepare yourself for the very real obstacles that you are sure to face in your quest toward enlightenment. Know thy enemy. This chapter is essentially about “The Darkside” and yes it is a very real thing in this reality.
Chapter 7: Lifting the Veil
Learn how to see, feel, and experience energy so that you can begin to peer behind the veil of reality and open the doorways to wider spiritual/metaphysical phenomena – Gain personal experiential proof that there is no way of denying. This will enable you to start bending the rules of the matrix.-
Chapter 8: Simulated Reality
Are we living in a simulation? Is that what the ancient sages and mystics were saying when they said that reality is an illusion?
By understanding how and why the universe behaves like a simulation (or rather, quite literally IS a simulation) you gain the capacity to “Navigate” your consciousness beyond the limitations of its program.
Chapter 9: A Soul Within
(The soul demystified) By building a real-world common sense understanding of the soul you strengthen the roots of your spiritual body and form the foundation for harnessing unlimited spiritual energy. A soul is another word for a dimensional body. A containment of your consciousness that can exist beyond the lifespan of your physical experience. What most people don’t know is that a soul needs to be developed through self-reflection, meditation, and inner inquiry. The human race at large has long assumed that the soul would be a given, but like most things, the privilege of life is not a promise of eternal existence. That is something you must earn through the effort of your spiritual practice. Enter the creation of the soul.
Chapter 10: Migration of the Sleeper
Learn how and why a spiritual being goes from being a sleeper to enlightened being and the vital role of meditation.
By learning how and why enlightened beings in history came to be you will discover what Enlightenment really is.
By understanding how something is possible it removes the self-imposed limits that we unconsciously set on ourselves and opens a doorway of possibility within our minds.
Chapter 11: Multidimensional Meditation
Learn the unique Higher Balance approach to meditation and get everything that you need to get started meditating today so that you can fuel your quest for metaphysical adventure and spiritual enlightenment! You will find two guided meditations in the readers only section of this website which we will provide a link for in the book.
Chapter 12: Finding Inner Balance
Gain real-world working concepts of spiritual energy and discover exactly how to tune into any frequency of energy so that you can maximize your conscious evolution.
Chapter 13: God Consciousness
This chapter is a Q&A on the Higher Balance approach to meditation and a uniquely fresh path to enlightenment for the modern world. Get all the important questions answered so that you have everything that you need to get started experiencing this powerful form of meditation for yourself.
Chapter 14: Awaken
Learn how the seed of knowledge contained in this book is like a living ‘mandala’ that will grow into a mighty oak tree as you continue to nourish the roots of your spiritual foundation – Fulfill your spiritual destiny and finally experience true inner completion.
The Next Step In Human Evolution:
The answers to your deepest questions have just landed on your doorstep. This, dear seeker, is the manual you wished you were given at birth. It is only now that you are really prepared to know the truth and that is why it is now that it presents itself.
If you are ready to experience the mystical voyage of a lifetime and rekindle that spark that you have harbored within yourself since your earliest memories, then strike while the iron is hot and get this book now.
Believe it or not, this is a defining moment in your life. Finding the real deal in this world is truly like finding a needle in a haystack. Windows open and windows close; that is the nature of life and that is the nature of the Force.
If you’re lucky enough, you’ll be one of the few of us who’ve been granted an invitation, and with that invitation, you are given a choice. The choice to either enter the doorway that leads to the liberation of your consciousness or to proceed on the conveyer belt of automation that is your current existence.
Be mindful, take a moment… Just don’t fail to recognize the deciding moment that would determine whether or not you find your purpose, because when you’re old and grey, you may or may not remember having stumbled upon this page. One thing is for certain, you won’t be able to say that IT was never offered to you. This is the day you were told that there was something more and that attaining it was within reach…
Can a book really be that powerful, that magical, that profoundly life changing? There’s only one that I know of… This is that needle in a haystack.

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Click the button above to get the Handbook of the Navigator digitally for Just $7.00, or scroll to the bottom of this page for other purchasing options, such as physical paperback or the Audible audiobook.
If you order the audiobook through Audible, make sure to forward a screenshot of the book or your e-receipt to help@higherbalance.com so we can send you all your bonus gifts, including free guided meditations and video training material valued at over $300.
Click the button above to get the Handbook of the Navigator digitally for Just $7.00, or scroll to the bottom of this page for other purchasing options, such as physical paperback or the Audible audiobook.
If you order the audiobook through
Audible, forward a screenshot of
the book or your e-receipt to
help@higherbalance.com, so we
can send you all your bonus gifts,
including free guided meditations
and video training material valued
at over $300.
The Best System for Meditation
Experiences in the World
Bold as that may be, that’s precisely what we’re offering here today: the best.
Now, you could go out and read EVERY book ever written on meditation and spirituality, spend HOURS interviewing monks and sages, translating and sifting through dense texts trying to decipher fact from fiction, then spend decades practicing and refining the internal sciences of meditation to discover a process for building a framework (like what we have already done), OR…
You can read this simple 14-step handbook that condenses everything that’s been learned about higher consciousness and enlightenment into an easy-to-understand guide.
No fluff and NO B.S., just the raw, vital information you need to directly experience your own enlightenment cycle.
More specifically, in this book, you’ll learn:
• The 14 fundamental reflections that tune your conscious into
the frequency of the universe and set ablaze the burning fire
of your spirit
• The shocking truth about the “simulated” nature of reality
that the general public isn’t ready for
• Why mindfulness meditations may be causing you to lose out
on a higher range of meditation potential
• Discover why profound meditations aren’t just for cave-
dwelling monks
• The surprisingly simple meditation designed to catapult you into “Multi-Dimensional” experiences in 7 days or less by
meditating only 20 minutes per day–guided audio session
• Learn to explore your own innate, but dormant, higher senses
(or rather the sixth sense)
• Peel back the layers of mental B.S. to reveal the divine spark
within your heart and stoke the flames of your soul
• How to recognize and “listen” to your spiritual instinct
(“The Navigator”)
• How to unlock the full potential of your mind and leverage it to attain the lost powers of the ancient mystics
• How to open your heart and receive the courage to trust your
destiny and activate your first enlightenment cycle
Bold as that may be, that’s precisely what we’re offering here today: the best.
Now, you could go out and read EVERY book ever written on meditation and spirituality, spend HOURS interviewing monks and sages, translating and sifting through dense texts trying to decipher fact from fiction, then spend decades practicing and refining the internal sciences of meditation to discover a process for building a framework (like what we have already done), OR…
You can read this simple 14-step handbook that condenses everything that’s been learned about higher consciousness and enlightenment into an easy-to-understand guide.
No fluff and NO B.S., just the raw, vital information you need to directly experience your own enlightenment cycle.
More specifically, in this book, you’ll learn:
• The 14 fundamental reflections that tune your conscious into
the frequency of the universe and set ablaze the burning fire
of your spirit
• The shocking truth about the “simulated” nature of reality
that the general public isn’t ready for
• Why mindfulness meditations may be causing you to lose out
on a higher range of meditation potential
• Discover why profound meditations aren’t just for cave-
dwelling monks
• The surprisingly simple meditation designed to catapult you
into “Multi-Dimensional” experiences in 7 days or less by
meditating only 20 minutes per day–guided audio session
• Learn to explore your own innate, but dormant, higher senses
(or rather the sixth sense)
• Peel back the layers of mental B.S. to reveal the divine spark
within your heart and stoke the flames of your soul
• How to recognize and “listen” to your spiritual instinct
(“The Navigator”)
• How to unlock the full potential of your mind and leverage it
to attain the lost powers of the ancient mystics
• How to open your heart and receive the courage to trust your
destiny and activate your first enlightenment cycle
Bold as that may be, that’s precisely what we’re offering here today: the best.
Now, you could go out and read EVERY book ever written on meditation and spirituality, spend HOURS interviewing monks and sages, translating and sifting through dense texts trying to decipher fact from fiction, then spend decades practicing and refining the internal sciences of meditation to discover a process for building a framework (like what we have already done), OR…
You can read this simple 14-step handbook that condenses everything that’s been learned about higher consciousness and enlightenment into an easy-to-understand guide.
No fluff and NO B.S., just the raw, vital information you need to directly experience your own enlightenment cycle.
More specifically, in this book, you’ll learn:
• The 14 fundamental reflections that
tune your conscious into the
frequency of the universe and set
ablaze the burning fire of your spirit
• The shocking truth about the
“simulated” nature of reality that
the general public isn’t ready for
• Why mindfulness meditations may be
causing you to lose out on a higher
range of meditation potential
• Discover why profound meditations
aren’t just for cave-dwelling monks
• The surprisingly simple meditation
designed to catapult you into
“Multi-Dimensional” experiences in
7 days or less by meditating only
20 minutes per day, with the included
guided audio session!
• Learn to explore your own innate, but
dormant, higher senses (the Sixth
• Peel back the layers of mental B.S. to
reveal the divine spark within your
heart and stoke the flames of
your soul
• How to recognize and “listen” to your
spiritual instinct (“The Navigator”)
• How to unlock the full potential of your
mind and leverage it to attain the
lost powers of the ancient mystics
• How to open your heart and receive the
courage to trust your destiny and
activate your first enlightenment cycle
You won’t magically become enlightened just by reading this book.
That’s just not how it works.
As much as we know that the answers you’re looking for are contained
within the pages of this book, we will not mislead you with false expectations
of effortless enlightenment. We’d be doing you a disservice and it would
hurt our mission to help awaken those who seek the truth.
It will, however, shave DECADES off your search.
You’ll get the real answers to having life-changing meditation experiences with a rapid succession of awakenings, which lead to profound feelings of completion within you.
You won’t magically become enlightened just by reading this book.
That’s just not how it works.
As much as we know that the answers you’re looking for are contained within the pages of this book, we will not mislead you with false expectation of effortless enlightenment. We’d be doing you a disservice and it would hurt our mission to help awaken those who seek the truth.
It will, however, shave DECADES off your search.
You’ll get the real answers to having life-changing meditation experiences with a rapid succession of awakenings, which lead to profound feelings of completion within you.
Click the button above to get The Handbook of the Navigator digitally for just $7, or view other purchasing options such as physical paperback or the audiobook at the bottom of the page.
Important: The audiobook is available on Audible for 10 dollars more than it is when you order direct from this page. If you do choose to order through Audible, forward a screenshot of the book or your e-receipt to help@higherbalance.com so we can send you all your bonus gifts, including your free guided meditations and video training material valued at over $300. This is a limited time offer.
Send us an email at help@higherbalance.com and be sure to follow up with a screenshot of your order or an email receipt.
What’s New In Ver. 2.0?

As the first of seven #1 bestsellers on Amazon by Eric Pepin since 2004, the first edition of Handbook of The Navigator is widely considered an underground masterpiece and a game changer to the spiritual/consciousness community at large. It challenged the status quo and defied virtually every stereotype and pop-culture influence in the field of modern spiritual development. The book shook the nest of esoteric and New Age circles alike and before long, it was holding rank with the likes of mainstream, corporate-backed titles like The Secret and Power of Now. This came all on the sheer power and steam of word of mouth. If you’ve read the original, you have a pretty good idea why it was just so groundbreaking.
Now, more than a decade later, Version 2.0 contains all the knowledge of the original but has been updated with over 80 pages of next-generation content and techniques including:
Peak State Meditation

Not all meditations are created equal! Get step-by-step instructions to fade away your mechanized brain and allow your super-consciousness to surface. Your book comes with a downloadable guided meditation which will walk you through the whole meditation, step-by-step.
Higher Balance Method

The Universe has an invisible sound that is nowhere and everywhere. Focus your attention on it and your training begins. This unique and powerful meditation technique will instantly alter your state of consciousness, effectively teaching you to shift your awareness and experience the profound. An ancient technique once buried in time, is now revived for the modern age. This is also referred to as the Tones, the sound of the big bang, or the sound of God. An extensive video training is included with the book.
Energy Movements

An old practice awakens and merges with a modern understanding, releasing potent results. Learn to see, feel and move your energy. Having now become predominantly focus on the physical body and stretching exercises, this knowledge literally turns the Western yoga community on its head, driving to the heart of yoga’s original intent: establishing a connection to your bio-electrical energy field. Get back to the source, learn to harness life-giving mana and feed your soul with the energy it requires to thrive.
The Godfield

Synchronize with the Universe and find the ultimate connection and purpose. Feel more whole, complete and at peace as an ecstatic hum of the Force courses through your body, igniting your spirit with the burning intensity of “the One.” Learn to draw upon a source of fuel to strengthen your energy body and amplify both personal and spiritual magnetism.
Birth of the Reality Hacker

Knowledge is power. Use a profoundly new understanding to give rise to the super-being within you. By having a map of the bigger picture, understanding the lay of the land including all the pitfalls, obstacles and challenges that lay before you, you are no longer flying blind. No longer will there be any question about what is required of you, the effort needed to put into your spirituality or the direction you are heading on your path to Enlightenment. Validate your journey to completion through results in the form of spiritual experiences that both motivate and inspire you to push your limits ever further into the depths of the great mystery. Spread your wings and awaken.
Peak State Meditation

Not all meditations are created equal! Get step-by-step instructions to fade away your mechanized brain and allow your super-consciousness to surface. Your book comes with a downloadable guided meditation which will walk you through the whole meditation, step-by-step.
Energy Movements

An old practice awakens and merges with a modern understanding, releasing potent results. Learn to see, feel and move your energy. Having now become predominantly focus on the physical body and stretching exercises, this knowledge literally turns the Western yoga community on its head, driving to the heart of yoga’s original intent: establishing a connection to your bio-electrical energy field. Get back to the source, learn to harness life-giving mana and feed your soul with the energy it requires to thrive.
Higher Balance Method

The Universe has an invisible sound that is nowhere and everywhere. Focus your attention on it and your training begins. This unique and powerful meditation technique will instantly alter your state of consciousness, effectively teaching you to shift your awareness and experience the profound. An ancient technique once buried in time, is now revived for the modern age. This is also referred to as the Tones, the sound of the big bang, or the sound of God. An extensive video training is included with the book.
The Godfield

Synchronize with the Universe and find the ultimate connection and purpose. Feel more whole, complete and at peace as an ecstatic hum of the Force courses through your body, igniting your spirit with the burning intensity of “the One.” Learn to draw upon a source of fuel to strengthen your energy body and amplify both personal and spiritual magnetism.
Birth of the Reality Hacker

Knowledge is power. Use a profoundly new understanding to give rise to the super-being within you. By having a map of the bigger picture, understanding the lay of the land including all the pitfalls, obstacles and challenges that lay before you, you are no longer flying blind. No longer will there be any question about what is required of you, the effort needed to put into your spirituality or the direction you are heading on your path to Enlightenment. Validate your journey to completion through results in the form of spiritual experiences that both motivate and inspire you to push your limits ever further into the depths of the great mystery. Spread your wings and awaken.
If There is Only One Spiritual Book You Ever Read Again, Handbook of the Navigator Should Be It!
If There is Only One Spiritual Book You Ever Read Again, Handbook of the Navigator Should Be It!
If you want to finally understand the greater truth about who you really are and why you were born, nowhere will you find a clearer, more detailed account than here! If you yearn to understand the source of your existence, to be closer to that energy by which everything arises, Handbook of the Navigator Ver 2.0 unlocks the mysteries of the seekers heart and mind.
Not only is the approach and overall philosophy revolutionary, the book literally puts you in the driver seat, enabling you to experience the secrets of the universe, firsthand. Finally, if you’re just tired of spiritual dogmas, candy-coated spiritual memes or the lack of real, clear and concise answers, there is an alternative route, and the alternative is spelled out in Handbook of the Navigator Ver. 2.0 Alpha and Omega
Adventure is for the bold, adventure is for the brave. Stop reading about other peoples spiritual journeys and live your own! Discover what thousands are already achieving. If this message speaks to you, seize the moment. The next chapter in your quest for truth begins, here and now…
About the Author
“My entire life I have sought out a rare and unique knowledge that would answer the ultimate questions to my spiritual search, only to find that everything fell short of that fulfillment. I have written this book to become that profound knowledge in its completion for those who search as I had once long ago.”
~Eric J. Pepin

Eric J. Pepin is a modern teacher, philosopher, and Amazon bestselling author dedicated to helping others achieve altered states of consciousness. Since he was 7 years old, he has tirelessly sought and shared with others direct personal experiences, expanded awareness, and first-hand encounters with what most would call miraculous. Based on his own internal and external investigations into the extraordinary, he had come to know that there is no such thing as “miracles” but rather he believes paranormal and extraordinary phenomena are simply in the realm of science that humanity has yet to discover.
He spent his childhood reflecting on the workings of the Universe, investigating paranormal activity and utilizing his unique sensory abilities with an uncanny degree of accuracy. By the time he was 15 years old, he was highly sought after for his array of unique abilities. It was around then that he began actively teaching his close friends to have extraordinary experiences for themselves. He found his passion in teaching and for many years, that is what he did on the side.
In 2003, Eric founded Higher Balance Institute for the purpose of sharing his uniquely effective approach to conscious awakening with the wider public. The organization gave him the opportunity to reach beyond his circle of friends and share his knowledge on a global scale.
Shortly after, Eric Pepin published his first book, The Handbook of the Navigator, which garnered instant traction, becoming a #1 Amazon bestseller. Ten years later, Eric has traveled the United States and countries around the world, speaking at retreats and lectures. During this time, he also developed and released more than 100 audio and video courses covering nearly every spiritual topic imaginable, from the construction of the universe, to manifestation, remote viewing, healing and an elusive, altered state of consciousness he calls the “In-Between,” just to name a few. Eric has published six additional books on spirituality, all of which have made #1 best-sellers lists on Amazon.
Eric continues to teach at events around the United States and throughout the world at locations including Paris, Mexico, and India. He is based in Santa Rosa, California where he develops cutting-edge training and technology for his one calling in life: to help others attain real, lasting results, pushing the envelope to experience profound spiritual awakenings.
What Are People Saying
From a young age I knew I was searching for something that would help me to feel whole. No religion seemed to hold the answers for which I was looking. As I read The Handbook of the Navigator, those deep yearning questions I held deep inside began to be answered in a clear, concise, and honest means. The knowledge that is in this book, if reflected upon, will lead to spiritual fulfillment.
Have just about completed reading the navigator other a few pages, but can say it’s wonderfully delightful. Very insightful and informative. Enjoyable while keeping the curiosity stimulated. I’m new to Eric Pepin’s work and planning to continue through his other programs basically because his work is easy to understand and he adds a unique and humorous approach.
Eric provides answers, and I do not mean simple, obvious, and common answers. I mean answers to the BIG questions of life! I have shared excerpts from Navigator with many of my friends and everyone agrees that this material rings true! Not only that, one of my friends told me “I felt my mind expand just by discussing what you are reading with me!” Want results, want life-changing revelations? Read this book!!
Julie EstesWorld Class Master of the Body Now Pursues
Mastery of the Mind, Spirit and Reality
Dorian Yates: Winner of Mr. Olympia 6 Consecutive Times and Considered To Be The Greatest Body Builder Ever, Recommends Handbook of The Navigator And Goes on To Call Eric Pepin The Bruce Lee of Spirituality On The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast
“I call him [Eric Pepin] the Bruce Lee of spirituality. It’s kind of like spirituality/science. And now science and spirituality are pretty much coming together to be the same thing. I find his stuff very logical.“
Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates: Winner of Mr. Olympia, Six Consecutive Times and Considered to be the Greatest Body Builder Ever, Recommends Handbook of the Navigator, and Goes on to Call Eric Pepin “the Bruce Lee of Spirituality” on the Tim Ferriss Show Podcast
“I call him [Eric Pepin] the Bruce Lee of spirituality. It’s kind of like spirituality/science. And now science and spirituality are pretty much coming together to be the same thing. I find his stuff very logical.“
Dorian Yates

All around the world, from every walk of life, a growing movement of people just like you have discovered the Navigator

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[3] The results claimed above are based on personal experience and may not reflect your results. Eric Pepin has the benefit of over 30 years of spiritual practice and teaching and he has established a wide following as a result. The references and experiences mentioned on this page are for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and discipline. Your results require consistent effort and action. If you are not willing to accept that, do not proceed with this training.